Considering that Bluetooth Stereo Headsets are definitely going to be the way people are going in a wireless age, then I applaud Philips for trying to get ahead of this game with the SHB 7110, or Tapster.
Not only can the Tapster sync with the user’s MP3 Player or smartphone, but it has some very unique touch-sensitive controls. I can only assume that this is why it is called the Tapster, because the controls are all done by tapping or some touches.
For example, if you want to adjust the volume, just do a single finger swipe along the ear. Also, if you are switching from music to taking a phone call, all you need to do is tap yourself on the ear.
All phone calls are advanced with audio quality with “Full Sound technology and clear calls enhanced by EverClearâ€. I am assuming EverClear isn’t the cool nineties band that gave us cool songs like “Santa Monicaâ€.
Unfortunately, there seems to be no telling when this Tapster will be available. So far, the product is showing up on the Philips website, and you can even buy it. However, I found that when I started the buying process, I couldn’t get a price, just a little more information. So, we are looking at some technology that will eventually be released, but we don’t know the when, or the how much.
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